Tiffin Delivery!

Bombay Food Junkies – the only  100% vegetarian food truck in the Green Dining Alliance – has made a lot of changes in the last few years. They recently opened a brick and mortar location that serves an Indian buffet with a sustainable twist – they make tiny portions of everything on their menu for customers to try, and if they love it, they can order more, minimizing food waste usually associated with buffets.

They’re shaking things up again with their recent addition of 100% plant based food delivery service: Bombay Tiffin Club! Tiffin comes from a Indian/British term for a small meal. Tiffin is a Indian-British term for a small meal, often encased in a three-tiered container, which is incorporated into Bombay Tifffin Club’s logo.

Their brand-new service provides  8  freshly cooked meals comprising of Indian (curries, rice, lentil stew, rotis, etc) as well as International dishes (like burgers, pastas, stir fry, burritos, etc.) delivered to your door step two times a week. Each meal will be unique, plant based and appropriately portioned to avoid waste!

Check out examples of their menu here: https://www.bombaytiffin.club/pages/this-weeks-menu

The Bombay Tiffin Club’s refusal of animal products helps to dramatically reduce their environmental impact, compared to other meal delivery services. Animal products require more land and water use than plants, and they create more emissions than food crops.

When asked about their service, Bombay Food Junkies replied that they “believe in giving back to Mother Earth by sticking to 100% plant-based cruelty free meals. Our mantra is Eat healthy, think green and live truly. ”

Congrats to Bombay Food Junkies on their newest venture!

Visit us at www.bombaytiffin.club for more information!

Photo Credit Patchwork Family Farms Facebook