St. Louis Earth Day Festival will be 100% GDA-certified in 2015

Earth Day Festival will feature GDA-certified restaurants.

2014 Earth Day Cafe

Earth Day Cafe, 2014

Beginning in 2015, all food vendors in the Earth Day Cafe will be certified by the Green Dining Alliance. Hungry festival attendees will know definitively that those preparing their food share their values regarding sourcing, energy consumption, and waste.

St. Louis Earth Day Executive Director Cassandra Hage summed it up with this statement:

“Since we started the Green Dining Alliance program, I’ve envisioned our event showcasing the program’s certified members.

“We’ve been working towards ‘green’ food vendors for a long time now, requiring food vendors to exclusively provide compostable or recyclable service ware, limiting processed foods, eliminating deep fryers, and banning high fructose corn syrup and bottled water.

“The food vendors who have stuck around have demonstrated their commitment to our goals and values. While we hope many of them will take this leap with us, we also look forward to showcasing new vendors, those who have restaurants in our program and are leading the way in restaurant sustainability.”

By doing this, the St. Louis Earth Day Festival will be highlighting vendors committed to environmental sustainability. Now, the Earth Day Cafe presents an opportunity for green restaurants to collectively showcase their specialties – free from competitors who cut corners.

Revisit the full list of GDA vendors from 2014. If you have a favorite festival vendor not listed, please contact



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