Peacock Loop Diner
GDA Rating:
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The Peacock Loop Diner has the unusual distinction of being in one of only a handful of LEED Platinum buildings in Saint Louis, located in The Lofts of Washington University in the University City Loop. They were voted as one of the top sustainable diners in the nation!
The lovely, bright colored lights that illuminate the sleek, mid-century modern countertops may look like vintage neon, but they are actually illuminated by LEDs – so are the rest of the facility’s lights. The neon sign was voted best new sign in the world in 2015! Solar panels provide 25% of the building’s hot water, and the roof is designed with high Solar Reflective Index (SRI) materials, which helps to keep the costs of air conditioning down and reduces the “heat island effect“ of the building on the city. The bathroom lights are even set on timers to reduce wasteful fossil fuel consumption.
Peacock Loop Diner reduces single-use plastic waste by using compostable straws offered upon request! They make alternative transportation easy for diners and employees – it’s located just a few blocks from the Metrolink station and provides a safe spot for cyclists to lock up. The diner is open 24 hours a day, so the management takes care to schedule third shift employees so that they can arrive as the Metrolink ends service and leave as service begins again, ensuring they can use green transportation without being stranded.
Rain gardens in the courtyard of their building help to treat stormwater, the overflow of rainwater that floods and pollutes our watersheds, by filtering and absorbing the rain into the water table, especially crucial in the River Des Peres area.
Eating at the Peacock Loop Diner is like dining on a beautiful spaceship except gravity will keep your sunny-side eggs firmly affixed to your plate. It is an ideal way to end a night (or early morning) after a midnight movie or bowling in the Loop!
6261 Delmar Boulevard, University City, MO 63130