We’re nearing the end of Plastic Free July, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to stop using your reusable coffee cups! In a world full of 7.5 billion people, it’s sometimes easy to sit back, sip [...]
Membership for the 100+ restaurants in the Green Dining Alliance has requirements for becoming part of our team. Members must not use styrofoam, they must provide single-stream recycling, and [...]
The world of commercial real estate design is in a constant state of flux, and restaurants are not an exception. In the past few years, green designs have gained momentum in food industry, and [...]
In ecology, keystone species are the animals and plants that uniquely contribute to their environment in such a way that the ecosystem they live in would be totally unrecognizable without them. [...]
St. Louis may be known for its amazing restaurants and vibrant farmers markets, but not all community members are able to take advantage of the fresh, healthy foods that others have access to. [...]
Citizens for Modern Transit’s annual CMT & AARP Great Race and Metro Market is Weds., June 14 from 4 to 6:30 p.m.! The Great Race promotes awareness about the different modes of active [...]
For the first time ever, the St. Louis Earth Day festival will be a two day event, spreading music, art, activities, fun, and, of course, food, over April 22nd and 23d of 2017. St. Louis Earth [...]
According to the City’s 2015 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory, 77% of emissions in St. Louis came from buildings. The national average is 40%. That’s why the Building Energy [...]
Mannequins On the Loop has promoted eco consciousness, local businesses, and local artists since 2009, when Audrey Jones and her mother, Dorothy Davis, started this beloved annual event in The [...]
Earth Day falls on a Saturday in 2017 (for the first time since 2006!), which is why the staff of St. Louis Earth Day has decided to expand our festival to a two day event! This means that you, [...]