Find a Farmers Market

Summer is finally here! One of the best ways to get out and appreciate this beautiful weather is by supporting your local farmers’ market. Enjoy fresh produce, delicious eats, and tons of artisanal products from local makers. Below we’ve listed 6 reasons to shop at your local Farmers’ Market as well as a handful of markets all over St. Louis for you to explore.

1. Better for the Environment

Did you know that food in the United States typically travels an average of 1,500 miles to get to your plate? That’s a long journey!  All of this shipping uses large amounts of natural resources (especially fossil fuels), contributes to pollution, and creates tons of trash with excess packaging. Conventional agriculture uses many more resources than sustainable agriculture and pollutes water, land, and air with toxic agricultural by-products. Food at the farmers market is transported shorter distances and is generally grown using methods that minimize the impact on the earth.










2. Seasonal Eating

The produce sold at farmers’ markets is going to be what’s in season at that time – different fruits and vegetables thrive at different times of the year. For this reason, seasonal foods simply taste better. They’re fresher, riper, and sweeter than conventional, commercial crops. Commercial crops must be harvested early and refrigerated in order to negate spoilage during their journey from the field to your plate – these crops never reach optimal ripeness, and the chilling process further reduces the flavor of fruits and vegetables. Once the food reaches its destination, it must be artificially ripened through a heating process that diminishes the flavor of the food even more. This is a huge contrast with produce from local markets, which are often picked at their prime within 24 hours of your purchase! Eating produce when it’s ripe not only tastes better, but it also provides you with the best nutrition possible.

3. Supporting Your Local Economy

When you shop at the farmers market, you’re supporting local farmers and workers and keeping money in your community. The farms that show up at the market provide local jobs, and these farmers are more likely to spend their money in locally, strengthening our local economy. Purchasing fruits and vegetables from farmers’ markets, supports these local family farms, giving them the valuable capital they need to keep operating and providing consumers an alternative to mass-produced foods.

4. Save Money

Buying from farmers eliminates the cost of the middleman and pricey shipping, so you get more value for your dollar, and oftentimes, you can find a variety of fresh, organic produce at more affordable prices than in a supermarket. There are also many farmers that carry products that are not certified as “organic,” but have many low-priced foods that are pesticide and herbicide free. The advantage at a farmers market is that you can actually talk to the farmer, learn about their methods, and then decide for yourself if the price is worth it (it is)!

5. Freshness and Variety

The farmers’ market offers a huge variety of fruits and vegetables. Industrial farms tend to grow only a couple different types of popular vegetables – only the varieties that can survive importing, shipping and handling tend to dominate the market. Small local farms, on the other hand, tend to favor variety, offering fruits and vegetables you just won’t be able to find in the produce section of your local supermarket. It’s the perfect opportunity to try new things you wouldn’t typically have the chance to enjoy!

Beautiful cherry tomatoes from the Schlafly Farmers Market - photo from their facebook page.

Beautiful cherry tomatoes from the Schlafly Farmers Market – photo from their Facebook page.

6. Community

Best of all, you get the chance to get out and enjoy our planet with family and friends, meet local farmers and form lasting relationships, and help build your community! The farmer’s market is a great place to gather, and lots of markets even offer live music, entertainment, and classes.

Farmer’s Markets in STL

Ready to get out and support your local market? Check out the Tower Grove Farmers’ Market, the Schlafly Farmers’ Market, City Greens Market, the Link Market, the Ferguson Farmers’ Market,  Midtown Farmers’ Market, and so many more! The St. Louis Food Policy Coalition has a great interactive map you can use to explore our local foodshed. And don’t forget to bring your own reusable bags next time you stop by your local market – that way you don’t waste disposable bags while you’re shopping.