The Green Dining Alliance Membership Drive is almost over, but there’s still time to take advantage of a 75% fee discount! Sign the GDA’s commitment form and schedule your audit by February 15, 2014 to join a community of leading tastemakers for a very affordable fee.
The Green Dining Alliance (GDA) is a restaurant sustainability certification program of St. Louis Earth Day that works with restaurants to reduce their environmental impact and set goals for money-saving efficiencies. Membership fees are based on full-time employee (FTE) equivalent and start as low as $25 for up to 25 FTEs during the Membership Drive.
The Green Dining Alliance also mobilizes diners who care about what they eat and where it comes from. A 2007 Gallup National Poll on Environment identified that 80% of the U.S. public prefers to dine at a “green” restaurant – the GDA helps members stand out in a crowd.
Membership includes perks and discounts from local vendors, resources for going green, and educational programming. It also brings restaurants into the company of some of the most popular establishments in St. Louis, including Schlafly, Mangia Italiano, Atomic Cowboy, Kakao Chocolatier, and more. There are currently 28 fully certified members, and many in process.
St. Louis Earth Day is a non-profit 501c3 organization whose mission is to make every day earth day by cultivating environmental stewardship and engaging individuals, governments, businesses, schools and the non-profit sector in celebration, education and action to support a healthy and sustainable future.
Green Dining Alliance program sponsors include the St. Louis-Jefferson Solid Waste Management District, Blue Skies Recycling, Sauce Magazine, St. Louis Composting and The Trio Foundation.

The GDA checks so diners don’t have to! It’s a rigorous third-party certification program from one of the most respected environmental organizations in St. Louis.