Foodies and friends! Enjoy your next meal at a local St. Louis establishment even more knowing that the Green Dining Alliance of St. Louis Earth Day is working to increase sustainability in the restaurant industry!
Our list of certified restaurants is growing every week, and you can help by joining the Friends of St. Louis Earth Day.

GDA Audit Specialist, Jaime Kelley, in the kitchen at Local Harvest in Tower Grove South – a 4-star member of the GDA.
Today, St. Louis Earth Day is embarking on its first-ever individual giving campaign. Over the past few years, we’ve had great success engaging partners from local businesses, governmental entities, professional organizations and the non-profit sector in support of our events and year-round programming – and we are very grateful for their generosity! Thanks to their support, we’ve doubled the number of full-time staff (from two to four!) and added critical part-time positions. This enhancement alone has exponentially increased the capacity of our organization and the impact our programs.
But there is still plenty of work to be done! And so, we are poised to tap into the generosity of St. Louisans to help fund the growth of our organization and sustain the great work we are already accomplishing. Will you join us?
Support sustainability in YOUR community: Become a Friend of St. Louis Earth Day today!
If sustainability in our community is important to you, consider including St. Louis Earth Day in your annual giving, or create a tribute gift in honor of someone you love. Your donation to St. Louis Earth Day directly supports the Green Dining Alliance’s work.
This year, Green Dining Alliance has grown significantly! With the guidance of a new, full time program coordinator, we’ve been able to:
- Completely redesign our website, with special features for promoting certified member listing to diners and a significantly expanded resource listing for restaurants
- Hold two educational workshops for members and the public
- Double our presence at outreach events
- Develop “GDA Perks” for Member restaurants
- Launch our Community Champions project where residents promote the GDA within their own neighborhoods!
- Certify more restaurants — we now have 30 members!
Just imagine what we could do with our St. Louis community behind us! Activate your passion for sustainability today.
And, take a look at just some of the reasons St. Louis Earth Day is a strong and trustworthy organization to support:
- We have 25 years of good standing in the community.
- Our work specifically focuses on the St. Louis region, with programs and services tailored to the needs of this community.
- Our governance and financial management received an A+ from the Better Business Bureau (we know how to stretch a dollar!).
- We divert recyclables and compost from landfills: tons of it, literally. Over 250 tons this year!
- Fewer events and restaurants use Styrofoam, because we’ve helped them ban it.
We need your support to remain flexible and independent. Our vision is for a Styrofoam-free St. Louis, with the majority of restaurants recycling and composting, an abundance of local sourcing, kitchens stocked with non-toxic chemicals, and small businesses saving big with efficiencies. This vision is made possible by you. You are part of our vision for a future where everyday sustainability is real and permanent. Your support will make it a reality.
We’ve helped St. Louis become more environmentally sustainable – now you can help by donating today.
Thank you – and cheers!
Olivia Engel
GDA Coordinator